Big prison. Small prison.


So, what’s really the difference between the two.

What is really hard to develop is the exceptional ability to clearly differentiate between the two.

Those who have seen ‘The Truman Show’ can relate to it.

In that movie, Truman believes he’s living a free life which he thoroughly enjoys until he comes to know the truth. The question arises, can he lead that same life with the same notions, whims, ideas and emotions after discovering the truth?


Give single-cell prisoners the freedom to lead lives openly inside prison premises under the sun where they can breathe fresh air and sleep under the stars, and it will be no less than freedom to them. Paradoxically it is still a prison, it just got bigger.


If the home we live in, wherever on earth it might be, is a single-cell prison, then rest of the world is the bigger prison.

Cosmos (1)

And so, if the Earth itself is a single-cell prison, rest of our Milky Way galaxy fences us in a bigger prison in a similar fashion, while our scientists try hard to defy time and go beyond the galaxies and ultimately, the Cosmos.


Inference can thus easily be drawn that ‘We’re still in the prison’. In theory, the prison can be of infinite size just as our imagination is limitless.

We’re prisoners of our own mind.

It depends on our past experiences, spiritual journey so far and our imagination on how we perceive a prison. We can be entrapped in our own mind without really knowing it. We could suddenly feel trapped somewhere where we always thought we were free. In a nutshell, our spiritual journey is the distance between the feelings of freedom and being trapped.


The extent of our ability to think out of bounds is limited by the fact that the remnants of the Big-Bang were born in this prison itself. And thus, no retaliation as such is shown by those remnants, the consequence of which could have been the gift of limitless thinking. What I am saying is, if you can ‘imagine’ something, it ‘exists’ somewhere, either in this world or in another realm of reality.

If the creation (read ‘prison’) can be this beautiful, as perceived by our programmed mind, it should not be that hard to imagine the infinite possibility of beauty in its original form, unprogrammed, untouched, unseen, unfelt; if at all there exists a different reality.


But in fact, our ability to imagine is also limited in the sense that the ‘imagination’ itself is programmed. Our mind perceives ‘existence’ exactly how it is supposed to. In addition to it being programmed, it could additionally be influenced by social & cultural factors, ethics, morals, values and the way we are brought up in the society. Man-made norms, ethics, languages, dictionaries & definitions surely don’t help much in tapping the true potential of our imagination.

There can be ‘existence’ in ‘non-existence’.


It again depends on how we perceive the two. One thing is certain that ‘existence’ in this world is actually ‘non-existence’ perceived from another realm of reality. And ‘non-existence’ in the other world can be the ‘real existence’ we could ever imagine, if at all our imagination were that strong and unrestricted. This existence would seem so irrelevant in front of that ‘non-existence’ that the comparison of a small particle with the entire galaxy would be insufficient to reveal the insignificance.


Hires of the evil play as security guards in this mind prison. And so, with the paradox of good and bad deeds, the prison is inescapable.

-> Here’s a paradoxical joke to give you an idea about how the prison is inescapable.

A man goes to see a doctor for some illness, who is later found to be suffering from cancer. He gets very disheartened when he comes to know about it. The doctor reassures him that there is a cure to that disease. And the patient is elated to hear that.

But with a sudden twist, the doctor tells him that unfortunately he won’t be able to take that medicine in the manner he would prescribe him. The patient argues that he will do anything possible to make sure he takes the medicine exactly in the prescribed manner.

The doctor, hesitating a bit, again tells him that it’s no use as he won’t be able to take that medicine in that way however hard he may try. As the man’s patience runs out, he somehow persuades the doctor to tell him the cure after a long argument.

Then the doctor finally gives him a pill and tells him that the cure will only work if he follows his instruction, “When you take this pill, don’t think about the monkey”.

As you can guess, the man was never cured.

We’re all prisoners living our lives trying to chase the unreal, living in our individual black holes trying to make it to the Sun. If the speed of light can be related to all the good deeds we have invested in all of our lives, black hole should, in theory, be escapable with a good cumulative investment over several lifetimes. As good and realistic as it may sound, sadly this investment does NOT guarantee an assured return in the form of evasion from this vicious circle aka mind prison.


Did you ever have a strong urge to go out there and discover it all? What’s behind the veil?

I am sure every one of us goes through that at least once in our lives. So, what’s the way out?

To BElieve or not to BElieve?

Logically, it doesn’t make sense why it should be believed.

But likewise there’s no reason why it shouldn’t be believed at all.

As paradoxical as it can get, does it really matter we live in the big prison or the small one?
